Benchit Documentation


This package is under active development. API changes are very likely.


Latest PyPI stable release (alongwith dependencies) :

pip install benchit

Pull latest development release on GitHub and install in the current directory :

pip install -e git+

Quick start

Let’s benchmark NumPy ufuncs - sum, prod, max on 1D arrays -

# Setup input functions and datasets
>>> import numpy as np
>>> funcs = [np.sum,,np.max]
>>> inputs = [np.random.rand(i) for i in 10**np.arange(5)]

# Benchmark and plot
>>> import benchit
>>> t = benchit.timings(funcs, inputs)
>>> t.plot(logy=True, logx=True, save='index_timings.png')


Though these perform entirely different operations, it was meant to showcase a basic usage. For a detailed explanation on the usage and more realistic scenarios, jump over to - Benchmarking steps.